Presentations, Blogs and Webinars

State Funding for HS Could Your State Be Next.pptx

PPT: State Investments in Head Start to Support At-Risk Children and Families (2020)

Use this to ... learn more about state funding for HS/EHS

Pre-K slides.pptx

PPT: State Pre-K and Head Start Alignment (2020)

Use this to ... explore the continuum of state pre-K/HS relationships in states

AHA Webinar #1 from NHSA.pptx

PPT: HS and How It Promotes Health (and other) Equity (2020)

Use this to ... learn/share more about HS's health services

AHA Webinar #2 from NHSA.pptx

PPT: State Policies to Improve HS Access and Quality for Children and Families (2020)

Use this to ... learn/share more about HS/EHS state funding and collaboration policies

AHA Webinar #3 from NHSA.pptx

PPT: Getting It Done: Campaign Strategies to Strengthen Head Start in States (2020)

Use this to ... learn about effective advocacy tactics

Use this to ... watch the 1-hour webinar where you can learn more about the NHSA State Strategy Playbook and how to use it

Use this to ... watch or share with partners about how HS has responded to COVID-19 and Rising Need in states ... webinar includes 3 guest speakers, including a program leader, state of New Mexico official and ZERO TO THREE

Use this to ... watch or share with partners how state investment and collaboration can support state policy goals ... webinar includes a state agency official, a program leader and a state Collaboration Office director

Use this to ... watch or share with partners about how advocacy for HS can work best in states ... webinar includes the Idaho Head Start Association and a children's advocacy organization (OR)

HS in the States Overview.pptx

PPT: Overview of HS and EHS - Landscape in the States (2018)

Use this to ... learn more about HS/EHS in the states and the importance of state policy

Blog: Head Start "Geniuses" Chart State Straetgy to Advance Equity (2020)

Use this to ... learn how NHSA engages state and local Head Start leaders to guide new initiatives and advance our advocacy practice

Blog: Seeking Equity in Early Childhood Education, Efforts to Improve Teacher Compensation Must Address Racial Pay Gaps (2020)

Use this to ... learn how closing racial pay gaps must be a component of any pay equity endeavor, not just an examination of pay by setting

7 Ways Webinar

PPT: 7 Ways State Policymakers Can Step Up to Support the Children of Head Start as the American Rescue Plan Moves to States (2021)

Use this to ... understand in more detail some of the ways that federal funding can support COVID recovery

Use this to ... learn more about "deep poverty" and how HS/EHS can better serve, support and economically advance these children and families ... summarizes a Workshop with the National Center on Children in Poverty

Use this to ... educate stakeholders about how the contract funding model of HS can be applied to strengthen and stablizechild care post-COVID-19

Use this to ... hear our recommendations for 7 ways state policymakers can strengthen HS/EHS post-COVID-19

Use this to ... learn the importance of engaging Governors and strategies and messages recommended by an NHSA Genius Team in the companion NHSA Playbook

Use this to ... hear three ways that investing in and modeling of Head Start can support equity in state pre-K

Use this to ... hear from a former Head Start alum and now leader in New Mexico state government!

Use this to ... see examples of how leading states partner with HS and how that can be used to guide a federal expansion