NHSA State Affairs Products

Early Head Start Home Visiting and Support for Pregnant Women.pdf

Issue Brief: Early Head Start Home Visiting and Support for Pregnant Women

Use this to ... educate stakeholders about the national scope, services, workforce and effectiveness of EHS home visiting and Pregnant Women services

MEMO_ Early Head Start Progress in States and EHS Rising Update.pdf

Memo: EHS Progress in States and EHS Rising Update (July 2022)

Use this to ... learn about what amazing national, state and regional work is happening around Early Head Start, including through NHSA's Early Head Start Rising campaign

MEMO_ The Voice of HS in State ECE Governance Reform.pdf

Memo: The Voice of Head Start in State ECE Governance Reform (2022)

Use this to ... prepare or enhance the HS voice when states engage in ECE governance reform ... this memo contains insights from peers

Head Start United - Removing Barriers to Access for Children and Families.pdf

Head Start United: Removing Barriers to Access for Children and Families

Use this ... to understand current barriers to access for children and families to accessing Head Start and Early Head Start

NHSA State Goals and EHS Policy Brief.pdf

Issue Brief: Helping States Meet Their Goals for Pregnant Women, Infants, Toddlers and Families through Early Head Start (2021)

Use this ... to persuade state partners and lawmakers that EHS can help them meet critical state-level goals around education, health and family strengthening


Policy Paper: Start with Head Start (2021)

Use this to ... advocate with your Members of Congress for inclusion of Head Start in any universal pre-K proposal.

Early-Head-Start-Facts-and-Figures 2022.pdf

Early Head Start Facts and Figures (updated 2022)

Use this to ... understand the national landscape of EHS services and supports ... a great primer for partners, too


Issue Brief: 12 No-Cost or Low-Cost State Policies to Improve Access or Quality (2020)

Use this piece to ... shape your policy agenda ... influence partners ... shape your own work

State investments in HS and EHS.pdf

Issue Brief: State Investments in Head Start to Support At-Risk Children and Families (2020)

Use this piece to ... learn about state funding of HS and EHS ... shape advocacy for state funding in your state

Final Universal and Comprehensive.pdf

Issue Brief: Universal and Comprehensive: Effective Partnerships Between Head Start and State Prekindergarten in 2020 (2020)

Use this piece to ... understand the variation in state pre-K and Head Start relationships ... advocate for model policies


Memo: Supporting EHS in States: NHSA Workshop Summary (2020)

Use this piece to ... shape how you support EHS in your state, drawing on the 3-part framework within

Memo - State CCDBG Responses for Head Start Community

Memo: Notable State CCDBG Reponses via CARES Act to Inform Your Advocacy (2020)

Use this to ... understand how states used CARES funding, including to support HS/EHS ... engage your state partners and agencies in how HS/EHS fits into CARES response

Social Media Tip Sheet.pdf

Genius Product: Straight from Your Peers: Benefits, Challenges and Tactics for Social Media (2020)

Use this to ... share with your members to enhance their social media efforts or your own

Social Media Case Studies.pdf

Genius Product: Head Start Social Media Case Studies (2020)

Use this to ... share with your members about how 1 large and 1 small Head Start program approach social media impact

Final State Strategy Playbook.pdf

Genius Product: State Strategy Playbook (2020)

Use this to ... develop your state strategic plans ... use ad hoc or through a formal process


Toolkit: New Early Childhood Coordination Requirements in the Every Student Succeeds Act (2017)

Use this to ... plan stronger Head Start-K12 partnerships

Nuts and Bolts Memo on State Funding for Head Start

Memo: The "Nuts and Bolts" of State Funding for Head Start and Early Head Start (2020)

Use this to ... really dig into the mechanics and options around state funding for HS/EHS

CONFIDENTIAL Survey Analysis State Supplemental Funding NHSA and Voices.pdf

Survey: Top Findings from Survey of State HS Associations on Supplemental Funding and Readiness (2019)

Use this to ... understand where HS Associations feel prepared and underprepared when it comes to advancing HS/EHS state funding ... compare your capacity against others in our Network

Head Start Helps.pdf

Issue Brief: Head Start Helps: Responding, Innovating, and Advocating for State and Local Needs in the Wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic (202o)

Use this to ... develop a COVID-19/post-COVID-19 state policy agenda, including partnerships with child care


1-Pager: The Head Start Advantage, Invest Now ... Or Spend Later (2019)

Use this to ... highlight the prevention benefits and cost savings of HS and EHS


Case Studies: Partners for Success: Case Studies of Collaboration Between Head Start and Pre-K (2013)

Use this to ... explore concrete case studies of HS and pre-K partnership


Report: Health in HS: Expanding Access and Improving Quality (2017)

Use this to ... see a point-in-time snapshot of the health services provided in HS/EHS ... explore recommendations to improve health services in HS/EHS

NHSA Playbook on Data-Informed Advocacy for Head Start and Early Head Start.pdf

Playbook: Data-Informed Advocacy (2021)

Use this ... as a step-by-step guide to making a data-informed case for Head Start/Early Head Start ... created in partnership with Transform Consulting Group

NHSA Playbook_ Engaging Governors to Support Head Start and Early Head Start.pdf

Genius Product: Playbook: Engaging Governors to Support Head Start and Early Head Start (2021)

Use this to ... strengthen your work with Governors, from strategies, to tactics, to messaging, etc.

Memo on ARP Stabilization Grant Guidance

Memo: Guidance on Using ARP Stabilization Funding with HS/EHS/EHS-CCP

Use this to ... understand how federal guidance allows use of ARP funding for HS/EHS

Head Start State Policy Agenda 2021-2022

Policy Brief: Equity Highlights from NHSA's 2021-2022 Policy Agenda

Use this to ... get a focused view of what state policy recommendations from NHSA would advance equity

FINAL 21-22 Policy Agenda.pdf

Policy Agenda: Head Start Policy Agenda 2021-2022

Use this to ... see NHSA's full set of policy recommendations, federal and state

Final NAEYC NHSA Contracts Memo.pdf

Memo w/NAEYC: Child Care Programs Need Contract Funding to Survive: HS is a Model

Use this to ... advocate for more contract funding in child care

Final NAEYC NHSA Contracts 1 Pager.pdf

1-Pager w/NAEYC: 5 Reasons Child Care and Head Start Leaders Support Contract Slots to Help #SaveChildCare

Use this to ... illustrate the benefits of contract slot funding in child care, similar to Head Start

Early Head Start Rising Overview

Campaign Backgrounder: Early Head Start RISING! (2021)

Use this to ... understand the focus of NHSA's Early Head Start RISING! campaign, including the focus on achieving slot parity with Head Start by creating 600,000 new EHS slots

Memo on New Child Care Funding CCDBG in ARP

Memo: New Child Care Funding Guidance - NHSA Analysis (2021)

Use this to ... understand the flexiblity state decision-makers have to fund HS/EHS programs via American Rescue Plan child care direct funding

Memo on ARP Stabilization Grant Guidance

Memo: Guidance on Using American Rescue Plan Stabilization Funding with HS/EHS/EHS-CCP (2021)

Use this to ... understand how state decisionmakers can apply American Rescue Plan "stabilization" funding to child care to HS/EHS programs, through our analysis