Peer & Partner Products

HI EHS State Policy Agenda.pdf

Hawaii Early Head Start State Policy Agenda (2022)

Use this to ... learn about Hawaii's approach to supporting EHS in their state through supportive policy


Maryland State Association EHS Policy Agenda (2022)

State-based EHS agenda


New Jersey State Association EHS Policy Agenda (2022)

State-based EHS agenda


New York State Association EHS Policy Agenda (2022)

State-based EHS agenda

Washington State EHS Data Brief.pdf

Issue Brief, WA State Association of HS and ECEAP (2022)

Use this to ... see how one state association framed the need for more EHS services and supports in their state

Comp Services 101.ppt

PPT: Head Start 101 from Guam

Use this to ... see one way to explain the comprehensive services and other key facets of HS/EHS

Copy of Conference list for state and regional associations for OHS (Responses)

Excel: List of Conferences from NHSA, State and Regional Conferences for Calendar Year 2020

Use this to ... get ideas about conferences and learn what your peers are engaged in

NHSA Designation Renewal System Comments 9.27.pdf

Letter: 50-State Association Letter to OHS re: DRS (2019)

Use this to ... view our collective DRS comments ... celebrate the power of collective 50-state and program advocacy!

Becoming an Anti-Racist Organization Handout.pdf

Handout: Becoming an Anti-Racist Organization from Dr. David Wallace's Session (2020)

Use this to ... understand how to become an anti-racist organization, in part by understanding how white dominant norms show up in our organizations

FLI 2020 HSC ADV Presentation- Jamie 9.21.20.pptx

PPT: Head Start California Navigating the COVID-19 Storm: Child Care and State Budgets (2020)

Use this to ... see how Head Start California has responded to COVID-19 and how they approach state advocacy

Racial Equity Tool Presentation.pptx.pdf

PPT: Moms Rising, Centering Racial Equity in Early Learning (2019)

Use this to ... learn how to center racial equity in your work ... explore a concrete Tool you can use as you make decisions


Chart: OHS, 2018 Head Start Collaboration Office Annual Report

Use this to ... see what activities and priorities are contained in the work of the state Collaboration Offices

Partnering with Head Start and Early Head Start.pdf

1-Pager: Kansas Head Start Collaboration Office, Partnering with HS and EHS, A Primer for Child Care Providers

Use this to ... see a good state example of how to promote HS/EHS and child care parntership

MN State 1-Pager.pdf

State Fact Sheet: Minnesotat Head Start Association, Minnesota Head Start Facts 2019

Use this to ... see a great state association example of a fact sheet

School MOU.docx

MOU: Minnesota Head Start Association, MOU Between the MN Dept. of Education, MN HS Association and MN HSCO (2019)

Use this to ... see a three-party MOU around Kindergarten readiness and transitions


Report: OPRE & ChildTrends, The Connection Between HS and State or Territory Early Care and Education Systems (2019)

Use this to ... see the varying ways and degrees to which HS/EHS are connected or segregated from state ECE systems ... 50-state data included

MHSA Strategic Plan 2022.pdf

Strategic Plan: Minnesota Head Start Association, 2018 Strategic Plan

Use this to ... see a good example of state association strategic planning to inform your own efforts


1-Pager: Idaho Head Start Association, Strengthening Families During the Critical Years (2020)

Use this to ... see a good example of a HS leave-behind for Statehouse advocacy

NHSA PPT - ZTT for 7-28-20_to Kent.pdf

PPT: ZERO TO THREE, HS and EHS, Responding to COVID-19 and Rising Need in States (from NHSA-led webinar) (2020)

Use this to ... review key data from ZERO TO THREE's State of Babies Report

Bill And Marcella's OpEds 2.pdf

Op-Ed: Idaho Head Start Association, Literacy Begins with Parents, and Idaho Head Start Can Help (2019)

Use this to ... see a good example of an effective state association op-ed to advance state support for HS


50-State Study: Bipartisan Policy Center, Creating an Integrated Efficient Early Care and Education System to Support Children and Families (2018)

Use this to ... learn more about how the 50 states structure their early childhood systems, how Head Start is integrated and how your state compares

NIEER for Voices_091919.pptx

PPT: NIEER, ECE Policy: Head Start and Early Head Start (2019)

Use this to ... see NIEER's data, analysis and recommendations around supporting expanded HS/EHS access and quality, as presented to a stakeholder coalition of national groups

Results First Head Start Report_FINAL.pdf

Report: Colorado Return on Investment (ROI) Results First Analysis (2017)

Use this to ... see one state's calculation of the return on investment of Head Start funding using the Results First methodology

States 2020 UPDATE.doc

Report: Ohio Head Start Association Analysis of HS Funding and Cost Per Child (2020)

Use this to ... see one analysis of per slot funding and cost per child across the states

The World of Head Start - Comparisons.ppt

1-Pager: Ohio Head Start Association on the World of Head Start (2020)

Use this to ... get a primer on the various actors in the Head Start community

Head Start History 2020 for NHSA session.pdf

PPT: Ohio Head Start Association AMAZING presentation on the History of Head Start! (2020)

Use this to ... learn about the history of the Head Start program, including it's ups and downs and political fortunes

Head Start History - Federal 2020.pdf

Chronology: Ohio Head Start Association, A Brief History of Changes in the Head Start Program (2020)

Use this to ... get a chronological look at the changes to the Head Start program ... an amazing resource!


Issue Brief/Case Studies: COFI, Head Start Ambassadors Connect with "Hard-to-Reach" Families

Use this to ... learn about a Chicago-based initiative that organizes Head Start parents as ambassadors to support outreach and recruitment


1-Pager: Kentucky Head Start Association, Head Start in Kentucky (2020)

Use this to ... see one state association's approach to showcasing Head Start in their state


Issue Brief: EducationCounsel, State Early Childhood Advisory Councils (2020)

Use this to ... get advice on shaping SACs, including composition ... learn more about SACs, generally


Issue Brief, Education Commission of the States: State Policies to Enhance Transitions Into Kindergarten (2020)

Use this to ... learn about state policies to suppor the transition into Kindergarten


Report: State(s) of Head Start (2016)

Use this to ... explore NIEER's analysis of Head Start state-by-state data ... reach out to NHSA for guidance on using this resource


Letter: 50-State Association SNAP Eligibility Letter to Sec. of HHS, Xavier Becerra (2021)

Use this to ... see a great example of 50-state united advocacy on the critical issue of HS/EHS eligibility

Head Start ARP Funds Homeless (1).pdf

PPT, SchoolHouse Connections: Using ARP Funds to Support Children Experiencing Homelessness (2021)

Use this to ... see model policies for how HS programs and state decisionmakers can support young children and their families experiencing homelessness

BUILD Report on QRIS.pdf

Report, BUILD Initiative: Toward Integration: State Approaches to Head Start Partnering in Quality Rating Improvement Systems (2018)

Use this for ... an excellent overview of how states approach HS integration into QRIS.


PPT: Region 8 Presentation to Share Role of State HS Collaboration Offices (2018)

Use this to ... help your partners understand the role of HS State Collaboration Offices